YourSuperior (comments)
Displaying 341 - 360 of 734 comments
cool, what's the forum about? lol.....myspace support? lol
Hey, Alvin!
Hope things are well on your end.
oh I see what you mean, it's just my screen size
wait mis-aligned how? @_@ It seems fine to me on firefox.
take a look and you'll see x_x
url : gns_ja
I've just made a xanga layout as well, it's a new style I tried and I don't think I did so well on it @_@ for some reason I'm hoping it gets rejected x_x
I'm really used to my mom waking me up. My friends joke around my mom because my bedroom's upstairs and she doesn't come upstairs, she just yells. Ugh, it's so annoying. She'll just yell "Deeeeeee" until I go downstairs, lol. Once summer's over I'll be back to waking up at 6am, so no more of that "Deeeee" stuff.
Yeah, no one woke me up... haha... I woke up and I was all confused about the time. I hate that feeling.
Awww thanks Alvin. So how are ya? I like the profile btw
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